Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cut On Half - All Day Class - with Bernice


Cozy Cottage Slipcovers said...

I loved this class! I learned so much that day.

K from WA said...

That's why hands on is so great and of course Bernice is such a great teacher!

Shirley Hendry Walsh said...

I will miss being there this year, but double on half will serve you well, it's the jumping off point for all the other things you can do to speed slipcovering along. Have fun !

K from WA said...

We will miss you being there too...

How are you doing these days?

Shirley Hendry Walsh said...

walking pretty good, getting back to work. Still trying to figure out how to more more $$ with my brain and less with my back. Same issue for everyone I guess. Go to my picturetrail to see all my latest kooky endeavors. THX for asking.

K from WA said...

What would that picture trail be so others can go there too?

Shirley Hendry Walsh said...

My picture trail can be accessed on the links column this page, look left, fourth item up from bottom, shirleys picturetrail. That's me ! I will also test now to see if comments support hyperlinks ? Here goes: http://www.picturetrail.com/slipcoverlady. Karen, remind me again which icon to click on this page to originate a post ? I am confewooosed.