Friday, April 28, 2006

Schedule conflict at the 2006 Summit

WAAAAAH! I wanna' take Shirley's all-day Saturday class, but I ALSO wanna' take the Saturday afternoon headboard class.

So many choices... so little time...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

picture trail projects

the fourth in the series for the " kooky " project is on line, and yes, it's ridiculous.

the principles are sound, but it goes waaay further than you'd ever have to , you could choose just one things and make it better, you wouldn't need all the bells and whistles on this one. It was fun, that was reason in itself to do it.

again this is the underwear class at the summit, bring your questions, your cameras, yourselves.

I am making airport runs wednesday June 21, tell me if you need picking up.

picture trail projects

the fourth in the series for the " kooky " project is on line, and yes, it's ridiculous.

the principles are sound, but it goes waaay further than you'd ever have to , you could choose just one things and make it better, you wouldn't need all the bells and whictles on this one. It was fun, that was reason in itself to do it.

again this is the underwear class at the summit, bring your questions, your cameras, yourselves.

I am making airport runs wednesday June 21, tell me if you need picking up.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Cutting for later disassembly

I will post a series on this too, just to illustrate the words, which may hit the spot and may not.

The reason you'd want to disassemble a pinning may be simple curiosity ( on what planet ? ) or because you must. I'd guess that sooner or later you'd stumble on a situation where you must.

Duplicating quickly comes to mind, whether for underwear or for mulitple covers out of the decorator fabric.

I haven't really thought about it but for about five minutes, but maybe thinking longer wouldn't change my opionion......I don't know that even I could disassemble a cover that was pinned on the right side of the cloth, with the seam allowances turned inward.

So, that's to narrow down my meaning, you can have that fabric face out or face in, but the pins must face you. It doesn't matter if it's whole and single layer or half and double, as long as the pins and raw edges face you.

Obviously, the seam allowance must be even, must be enough, and ideally is cut smoothy, not with whiskers or craters. Sure, there will be pivot cuts made deeply, a given. To make smooth seams easy I use long skinny sharp pins except on curves where short pins are a must.

If you cut choppy or too small seam allwaonces, this is misinformation when you take pins out. Big seam allowances allow for big, multiple, and distinctive notches. I'd be lost without them. They should be infrequent and special as well, too many distort meaning.

Most importantly, I know where my seams usually go, and the unique shaping I give to tucks. That's four things, straight, smooth and even seams, big enough for notches, seam locations that are consistent each time so you know, and the shapings of tucks. That goes a long way to not getting lost when experimenting with taking out pins.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


the series is building, and once done, I will try to format it more logically. For now, there are two projects, one named kooky and the other named second.

there are multiple albums now for each project, none of which have passwords, that's removed.

where it gets confusing is the later albums are closer to the top, I will try to reorder those when I am done. I will try to consolidate them as well, for now, please tolerate the many separate pieces of the two series.

Picking up new skills slowly here.....

there are more steps to add, that shall be done today with any luck.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 have removed the passwords, and completed the albums, there are three.

This is the Lining Class at the Summit, one of the topics to be covered.

This is a peculiar and not often required catagory of lining I call underwear, as it needs to be there to make the clothes look right.

It's a concept that you apply to the task at hand, whatever presents itself, I doubt yours will ever look exactly like this.

There are two examples here, kind of severe in nature. Underwear can be partial as well as full. It can be flannel or poly composite cloth, instead of the canvas or twills I used in these.

It's all about creating an effective disguise, and this is additional work you wouldn't do until you needed it, but if you need it, there may be no better answer.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

this is for all of us, not just the current members, we reach out to all..

hope to have you all join us.

Chasque el acoplamiento en el poste abajo para ver y para comprar una encuesta de precios para los slipcovers. Ayudamos a uno otro para comparar diferencias regionales, y ayudamos a entender la base de las diferencias. Consiga por favor su copia. Gracias.

Slipcover Pricing Summary

Okay kids.... here is the link to the page to order your Slipcover Pricing Summary "HOT OF THE PRESS"

Did we say thanks to Tessy, (and her hubby) and Dede we now have a new update of prices!!!!


All funds will go to the scholarship fund for the Slipcover Summit...........

Angie is still sending out and taking applications at

See my underware !

this is the idea, Alicia and I teach an underwear class at upcoming Summit.

Read before clicking: password to Kooky Project album is kooky project. Case sensitive, use small letters.

Have fun looking!

can we post a link to take people directly to the payment site ?

is that possible, or desirable ?

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Survey results are in!!!!

I have e-mailed the free copy of the survey to all who participated.
We had a great response this year with 49 people responding.

Anyone interested can purchase the results from the for $10.00. All proceeds go toward the Scholarship fund for the Slipcover Summit.

Thank you again to all who participated!!!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Shirley and her spring hormones...

I am crazy bored ! check this out.....

also see my picture trail for items that can be measured ( examples, but not limited to.. )

Saturday, April 08, 2006

more fun with babelfish

Recepción a nuestro Web site, los foros del Web site de la red del slipcover. Hablamos del trabajo del slipcover, precios, cómo venderse. Ensámblenos, y haga cualquier pregunta que usted pueda tener. Damos la bienvenida a learers nuevos. ¡Estamos alegres usted nos encontramos!

Click on the blue link, takes you straight to babelfish

Thursday, April 06, 2006

at this rate

I will probably still be here, yes. Gerry is in no hurry to come to any plan about how to live on less. So we are stuck living on more, no ?

Really, he is needed at his job, and though the kids are moooooooooooving away I am secretly pleased to have my life back. I have hardly had a weekend to myself in years.

So, you know my little house, and my cushy sofas, are your' s when you need them. We'll have to send Gerry somewhere again, won't we ?

I am busy preparing stuff for the Summit, and selling hobby stuff on ebay to pass my time. You all had too much fun.

The Florida International Window Coverings Show

Wow... it was one of the biggest shows, and there was excitment on the floor.

I did not get to any classes as we were pretty busy at the booth.

NEXT YEAR IS DC Shirley will you still living where you are? Angie and I were thinking we could have a slipcover sew off. Make slipcovers to fit the chairs we sit on in our booth.

We took hardly any furniture, but had photo display and lots of info. I hope to put a couple of photos up on the Slipcover Press which will be emailed out in a week or so. Watch for the new press.

Here is a link to the fashion show all make from window products...

You will love it!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Ya'll back yet?

tell us the highlights of the show ?