Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Kim - what looks good for you, date-wise? Weekdays will be trickier for me, but I'll manage if it's best for everyone else.

Seriously... hardware. Are we talking grommets? Snaps? Vents? Rivets? Grommets start at #00 (hole diameter = 5/32" [4.5 mm]) and #0 (hole diameter = 1/4" [6 mm]). I think #00 is as small as my machine will go - up to #4, possibly. Snaps and rivets are of various sizes; vents come in 1" and 3/4". I need to order the correct dies plus hardware (generally brass or nickel).

Maybe corset lacing over red (black?) faux suede, or...? I am soooooo not a designer, but I need an excuse to buy accessories for my new toy so let me know! :)

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