Thursday, June 30, 2005

Karen, I hope you are steadily getting stronger.

I have done enough drapes this year already to be excited about the prospect of only having slipcovers to do later.

Funny, absence makes the heart... da da da da da da.

Funny, I have been trying to warm up to all these luxury fabrics. It's always been a source of pride for me that slipcovers are functional and sturdy. I don't know why I get off on that, it doesn't really seem like much to crow about. I love white beyond all logic.

I don't get into the beautiful expensive delicate fabrics idea about slipcovers. Heck, I wouldn't want someone sitting on my window treatments!

Hot here now, humid, too many excuses to play. I'll be excited about Brown when it becomes a reality. Play play play. Alicia, where are you ?

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