Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Finished and picked up! I got pictures of the attached back cushion tub chair and the button tufted wing, but not of the channeled (sausage style, dd) couch. the couch and wing got a simple treatment of a layer of bonded dacron, the tubs got a padded undergarment so the upholstery fabric would not show through the white. Denim twill and Carr-go canvas from carr textiles. I had the couch on saw horses and when I got it down I discovered my skirt was too long in the back - minutes before the lady was due to come get them! My fingers were flying to rip out and resew, and MAN it was hot out today! (no a.c. in the garage).
I'm amazed I pulled it off without a drop of machine oil or grimey sweat smudges.
Well the rest of the week is dedicated to clearing out my house and painting all surfaces, carpet layer comes Monday and the "for sale" sign goes on the lawn. Whew!

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