Saturday, May 07, 2005

oh dear, Kim, OH DEAR !!!

we can solve some of this stuff, you keep the kids........

Sounds like you are a weee bit overwhelmed, so let me just suggest, we aren't in posession of any mystical answers pertaining to organization either.

I think maybe we could all relax about what is a professional slipcover........

For a few laughs, I can tell you my idea of what it isn't..... it doesn't look way different on the right and left. Unless it is way different of course.

It's sturdy enough for reasonable use by humans. Cannot count on dogs to follow written directions.

It's of the fabric the customer chooses unless we really really really can't stand to do it.

It's the best we can do with the furniture presented without reinventing the furniture presented ( unless paid to reinvent it ). Solutions within our usual particular scope of practice are fine, but we get to choose that scope of practice. Personally I don't patch cigarette holes deeper than three inches and wider than the ice cream bowl I am holding.

It's made by humans ( I think.... ) and it's a crafted item, made one at a time, for the first time each time. There's a couple flaws.

They zip up the back without pulling with a crane. There's copious tuck in, think rivers. The people in the printed pattern are right side up. Ditto for the dogs.

It's tight enough to be custom and loose enough to get cleaned later. We tell'em how to clean it......

They are clean, cheerful, what was asked for, delivered on time, sewed well enough to serve and protect, and they get better each one we make.

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