Saturday, May 28, 2005

Lobbying the masses here, you know how I like to box things tidy.

I think there's three tiers to this class stuff.

Basic methods ( all eight or nine, which can be combined for fewer ).

Two, basic methods taken further, to speed and make more exact. This would include notches, overlocking, lining........but key is, you almost have to assume a method to start the least I think that way. Or have one or more teacher take you through aall the variations assuming different methods.

Three, fancy stuff, special items, special techniques, design elements, maybe linings belong here, special zippers like separating zippers.

Lobbying here so that I can direct this to who's coming !!!'s so hard to limit the classes, and then so hard to choose.

Suggestion...... " tracks"

Karen ~Shirley, in that order, that first day all students go from one then the next, as Brown and Karen's flow one into the other well.

Maureen ~Bernice first day, students go from one to the next, those are similar and flow.

That's day one, basic method addressed, so that students on day two and day three can ask questions of teachers taking methods further, to get pointed questions about " how does this apply to my method of choice". All the speed and exactness come with context, you have to start by assuming, we should have nailed down a method by then ( context ). Second day cushions, zippers, accesories, headboards, whatever flows.

Third day, lings, design elements, special zippers, high end stuff, business stuff.

Think pyramid, the basics are the bottom, I think we need to track people, or have them pick a track. Either is good. Then, the speed and accuracy elements, then the design and business at the top.

Never more than two choices at a time, and making embelisments compete with embelishments, methods with methods.

Problematic is second day where we'd pair the track with the speed and accuracy class with a person who can address " tracks ". This if just one class offering, and that might be great, would have to be taught by more than one person.

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