Saturday, May 14, 2005

brown method: briefly, its as follows.....

the outside back is chalked out, cut and cord sewn prior to fitting.

the outside arm is measured, cut, and the cord sewn to the top of it prior to fitting.

the front arm panel, front deck panel or side deck panel, and side arm panel or wing if present is chalked, traced or measured, cut and corded before fitting.

All outside body pieces are measured, traced or chalked before hand, cut and then corded as they would normally be. None are yet joined to one another, that is done after the next step, in pin fitting.

Then center body pieces are cut, shaped by double on half or single on half, inside out or right side out as preferred, cut normally ( for you ) and perhaps even joined to one another was well, before pin fitting to outside body pieces. The one big exception to normal is that the seam allowances where the inside meets the outside are large, say two inches.

Once all this is done, it can be pinned to tighten and finesse, seams FACING you, raw side out, but fabric being RS out or WS out as preferred.

At this point, it's very delegatable sewing. Brown method allows for a sewing cutting team that need not include a sewer who is yet fully skilled, as sewer makes no crucial decisions.

You know I just like it because it combines all the ideas in the different methods.

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