Friday, March 18, 2005

Hi Karen,

Did you get my email from a couple of weeks ago? I sent it to you in reply, to your aol address. It was an outline for an organic fabric article. If all goes as planned the finished article will be done by the end of the weekend. What email address should I send it to? Can I use photos? Any speciall formatting for the photos?

I see a note here where you asked me about Evotex. Since you actually had the chance to meet the staff, you doing an article on them might be a good idea for next time. I really liked their friendly staff. I don't know what to think about Hemp Traders, though. They were late on sending me samples and a little abrupt on the phone (but check out their line of Mary Jane dresses in their catalog--!!!). Some more tongue-in-cheek advertizing is seen at THC aka Toronto Hemp Company (


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