Tuesday, January 18, 2005

the list is my child, I am going to nuture it, and no one is going to tell it to go away ( no one here did that ).

I dressed my child in a circle costume. I tolerate conflict pretty well, but people don't get off without a scolding. Again, not here. It was just nonsense.

I did however realize that the world we negotiate in ( the websites we frequent ) have quirks. There were valid points made as well. I won't be doing this : any more . I will mention CHF products I use everyday. I actually buy them.

I wish Angie ( ANGIE ! ) would mention Stephen Covey, we both agree stongly with the principles.

Strong, principled women make slipcovers. Smart women. Compassionate women.

My skeleton crew cut, joined and put the bucram ( nearly all ) on 140 widths of drapes in three days. They push me out of the way, now I need a epidural block in my back. I do have free time.

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